Wednesday 23 April 2014

Calgary Wordshop


Tyler Elkink

Workshop: Profit and Prophet

Workshop: Casting Your Book on the Right Side of the NET

Tyler has a Master of Arts Degree in theological studies.  He works as a database developer and writes in his spare time.

Hannah Sims   -  IMPRINT: Fine Arts Faculty Intern

Workshop: Writing as Art Not Propoganda

She will passionately inspire you to see your writing in a new way! TOESL qGrad with a double major Hannah has an impressive academic portfolio as well as having travelled in 12 countries and teaching English on 3 continents.

Melanie Fischer   -

Workshop: Video for Writers

This brief workshop introduces a writer of any skill to video as a way to promote their words and draw an audience into their works.

Sheila Webster -  FELLOWSCIPT Editor-In-Chief

Author:  A Simple Spirituality

Through all the painful seasons and acts of life she will show you how to craft your pain into purpose in writing.




          Hannah Sims, neologist  extraordinaire.   Empress of the ink well.                

                                                   Waxer of all eloquence. 



                                                                          All joking aside.

Hannah Sims graduated from Briercrest College in 2013 where she took a degree in Applied Linguistic: TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) with a double major.
While she may teach English, her own first language is really poetry. She began to realize this very early in her life and published her first poem at age nine (alright, so she really hasn't published much since then).  
Poetry is a passion of hers because, as she maintains, deliberate and sparing words can often express the parts of the soul which cannot be explored through profuse prose. Poetry, as a creative art, reflects the creativity of the true Word and can be used by Him to speak powerfully and poignantly into the heart of the listener.
Through some of her recent studies, Hannah has found it crucially important as a Christian who writes to find a voice and style which seeks to artfully reflect truth rather than propagandize it. 



                      WORDS TO THE WORLD


AT:            Bow Waters Community Church  -  6508 Bowwood Dr NW                          

WHEN:     SATURDAY MAY  10, 2014 TIME:   10 am – 4 pm

COST:        $50


Ø  Lunch and all workshops included – door prizes

Andrew Kooman is a well-known author, poet, playwright and filmmaker. His work has gone around the world and been translated into ten languages.  He is co-director of Unveil Studios in Red Deer. He will inspire you to write your words to the world.

All writers who want to improve their craft, be inspired and gain new tools to use in their going to the next level of their writing from beginner to advanced will benefit from these fresh topics.  Although our group is mainly Christian writers we are inclusive and open to others learning with us as we pool and share knowledge. 

ü  Date: 5/10/2014




ü  Contact: Sheila Webster, 780-910-4037




God/he  Language: English. Published: January 4, 2011. Category: Fiction                               
A collection of vivid, image-based poems, God/he is both love song and shouting match, a struggle between human and Divine. Through the collection /he faces the agony and insanity of existence head on as /he starts to become more unfamiliar with the God /he thinks /he knows so well, a God who is slippery as a fish, a trickster and green-thumb, a bloodhound on the hunt.
                                   Language: English. Published: July 26, 2010. Category: Fiction                       After recovering from a terrible car accident that rendered him a paraplegic, a man reflects on the new confines put on his life as he considers the limitations of life, faith, and love from a wheelchair.       
Remembering Names: Reflections from Kenya
Andrew Kooman reflects on his time in Kenya while a member of the crew filming E for Everyone: The Mouse and the Elephant. With moving passages of his time in areas of Kenya affected by AIDs and drought, Andrew gives a behind the scenes look of the film that has inspired people around the world.       
The award-winning short story by Andrew Kooman, winner of the 2004 Hobson Prize for Fiction. A young Canadian college student tutors Nazar, a refugee from Afghanistan, in English. Unable to communicate with each other beyond basic words and signs, the young man tries to piece together the story of Nazar’s flight from the Taliban, through Pakistan into Canada.
Ten Silver Coins: The Drylings of Acchora
Before she ran away from Vendor, Jill Strong was only known as a Daughter of Disgrace. Everything changes when she flees to the Forest and is given a treasure - ten silver coins - which she quickly loses. It is up to Jill and Simon, the boy she meets in the Forest, to recover the treasure. To do so, the children enter Acchora, a world inhabited by the Drylings, a race cursed by the Rashtakar.


                            WHO IS ANDREW KOOMAN

                             Andrew is a well known author, playwright, poet and filmmaker.
                                     He is co-director of Unveil Studios in Red Deer, AB.

Andrew Kooman is an award winning writer whose stories have been published around the world and translated into ten languages.  His justice-related work has been featured by CBN News and 100 Huntley Street, and has been described as “A siren call [that] will … forever take us from our complacency to the plight of so many lost, lonely and hurting.” He is the author of Ten Silver Coins: The Drylings of Acchora and Disappointed by Hope: Migrants and Refugees in Search of a Better Country.